Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Badge-rd to death

I have been given some leaflets by my Embroiderers Guild branch secretary to display at the 'do'. I am a big fan of my local guild, they have excellent speakers, a fab bring and buy table and a residential weekend which is always a hoot. The guild itself produces two excellent embroidery magazines, holds a massive collection of textiles and aims to promote embroidery t one and all. If you are a keen stitcher looking up your local guild might open up loads of possibilities for learning new skills and making new friendships for you too.

I have also received these beauties from Swirly. I am sorry to say that Swirly actually wore out her badge machine making these for the Makers, Do-ers and Helpers. I think these are just lovely and I hope they make us all fell special and proud and like we belong to something great and good and well crafted on July 11th. I hope we can stand together and hold our heads high and raise our glasses to HANDMADE. I have to go now, I'm welling up!


  1. I love following your blog and wish I could join you on July 11th but circumstances and distances will not allow. Good luck and keep up the good work!

  2. Great Swirly badges, wish I could come to the Makey Do, but sunny West Yorkshire is soooooo far away. Take lots of photos please.
    Twiggy x


Thanks for joining in with a Makey 'do'
