Monday, June 22, 2009

Miss makes buttons?

I promised I'd show you what Clover crafts had sent for the goodie bags didn't I? Well each of her fliers has a little pack of buttons attached- very nice! I promise I haven't pinched any out but I'll just say the little fish are very tempting! Don't forget you can tempt yourself at Sheilas E-bay shop.

I got another parcel this morning. This one came from Kent, which is always nice. 'Miss Makes Stuff' will becoming to the 'do' as a guest, maybe next time (if I can manage a next time!) she will come and sell her lovely wares. I love these shrink plastic badges and Angela was kind enough to pop a button brooch in for me. Visit her Folksy shop for more accessories heaven.

Another stall holder profile coming along next. A group of ceramicists this time and some very tempting images of their work.


  1. Brilliant additions to your Goodie Bags, Hugs Avril xx

  2. oh how did I miss this post? I met miss makes stuff recently at a tweetup!

  3. yes you did, and very nice it was too! just wondering if Jenny has been spreading the word as just sold something to someone in sandwich! Small world!


Thanks for joining in with a Makey 'do'
